Santy os desea FELICES FIESTAS!
Me gusta analizar la situación política actual en mis viñetas de prensa.
I love to analyze the political situation on my editorial cartoons.
Obama Obama faces humiliating defeat in mid-term elections – U see how much we need HEALTH CARE?
Spanish Govern thinks a plan B is not needed in case of the national economy gets worse. – A plan B? Absurd! Don’t you see I’m still looking for the plan A?
Blanco: “Zapatero can still win next elections” – LIVE! LIVEEEEE!
Mushrooms season (Spanish Govern and oposition, two dangerous mushrooms)
8th Spanish govern reform: – Mr president, the opositions is shooting hard against Rubalcaba!! – I know, I put him there.
Spanish President and wife: – 25% of the Spanish people sleep worse this year because of the crisis… uff, that’s worrying, isn’t it Jose Luis? – ZZZZZZZZZZ JJJJJJJ ZZZZZZZ
PP (main oposition party) takes 8 points of advantage to PSOE – And without training!